
Free Summer Break 8 Weeks of Leadership Training

From Saturdays @ 11am until Saturdays @ 12 noon

At Classes are designed for ages 8 – 18 and are free.


DEKALB COUNTY, GA–Be Someone Inc., the Stone Mountain-based youth development organization that has taught more than 88,000 young people how to make the right moves in their lives by learning how to play chess, has been named to the lineup of virtual summer camps offered by DeKalb County.

Registration is now open for the eight-week “Chess for Success” program, which will be held every Saturday from 11a.m. to 12 noon., June 4—July 23. Classes are designed for ages 8 – 18 and are free.

Be Someone’s founder, chief trainer and strategist, Orrin Hudson, who has traveled the world teaching his program, will provide the instruction.  Hudson attended the world chess championship match in Dubai, United Arab Emirates earlier this year and was honored to be asked minutes before the event to sit in Ian Nepomniachtchi chair and predict his first opening move against Magus Carlsen the resigning world chess champion .

Hudson is excited about the opportunity to continue teaching his hometown DeKalb youngsters. He calls the classes “the meeting of the minds,”  a virtual learning that will not only teach youths how to play and be successful at chess but also provide invaluable life skills such as how to embrace failure and learning from every decision you make.

Hudson was an at-risk youngster growing up who was taught the game of chess by a high school teacher who saw potential in him.

“It changed me but more importantly, it saved me,” said Hudson.  “I have dedicated my life to reaching as many young people as I can through this wonderful game that teaches so much.”

Hudson, who served in the U.S. Air Force and was an Alabama State Trooper before founding Be Someone in 2000, feels the timing for the chess classes is critical.

“Considering the rise in violence among our youth we are witnessing in our communities right now, it is time they know how to choose peace instead of violence and how to think before they move.  We must show them that every move they make has a consequence,” Hudson said. “Our children need hope.  When they lose hope, they make bad decisions. My classes teach youngsters to make the right moves on the chess board and in life.”

The eight -week class is much more than just learning the game of chess.  For those two summer months, students will be personally mentored by Hudson who will use his own life lessons to encourage them to “make every move their best move by thinking ahead; keep your head up, pants up, grades up and never give up; and think it out, don’t shoot it out.”

The “Chess for Success” program is one of several virtual programs sponsored by DeKalb County’s Youth Services.

The Be Someone class will have a maximum of 100 participants so early registration is encouraged.

For more information: www.dekalboys.org. Scroll down the list until you find “Chess for Success” and click on the icon or click on this link https://dekalboys.org/chess-class/.  You can learn more about Hudson and Be Someone at www.besomeone.org.